It is finally summer time, and we all know what that means. Besides the excruciating heat and having the kids out of school, it means it is time for those long awaited summer vacations! And what do summer vacations typically mean, besides visiting in-laws, spending too much money, and lengthy road trips with the family?  It means spending time away from work and spending time away from the demands of daily life. While some of the appeal of vacation time is that one does not have to follow any rigorous schedule, when the majority of one’s time is spent following a certain routine, disconnecting from that can often become overwhelming and cause a sense of disorganization.

Thus, it is imperative to recognize that organization is more than a tangible practice or goal — it is also a state of mind. This summer you can stay mentally organized by following a few simple Sane Jane steps:

  1. Use a checklist. Put everything you need to buy, fish out of the attic, or pack on the list and check items off as you go — that way nothing is forgotten.
  2. Use a planner! Whether it’s an app on your phone or an actual book, organizing your schedule to see what is going on before, during, and after your vacation, can help you keep peace of mind.
  3. Commit to getting everything necessary done before vacation so that your plate at work/home/socially/etc. is clear and you can be worry free. After all, nothing is worse than being on your phone or in a separate space mentally, while on vacation.
  4. Schedule activities, but also schedule free-time. Make sure your days include some structured fun that keeps everyone occupied and out of your hair, but also leave time for creative exploration or just plain relaxation. The structured time will ward against that typically inevitable “Mom, I’m so bored”, while the unstructured time will give you a chance to say “go play with your friends, mom is drinking a glass of wine.”
  5. Plan a night out – nothing eases the mind more than a romantic night out with a significant other. If you don’t have anyone currently in the picture try going out with your girls…you never know what you might find 😉
  6. Enjoy. Before you know it, you will be back at work, the kids will be back at school, and everyone will be back to their usual routine. This is a time for worry free fun and bonding. Organize ahead of time so you can live in, and enjoy, the moment.



Sane Jane Summertime Blog

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