It’s finally summer! The time of year when the sun it out (often too much), the kids are out of school (sometimes driving you crazy), and relaxation can ensue (though it’s never enough). Though summer is a time for vacations and recreation, it is also a time when we frequently stray from out typical routines. No longer is everyone up and out of the house by 9 am, or back in bed by 10 pm – it’s a time of year where the rules, and consequently one’s organization, get tossed out the window. How about some summertime sanity?
Part of summer is maintaining an easy going nature about the kids’ stuff being thrown around the house and letting go of the ropes a bit. However, this is not a time to let all hell break loose and say screw it, because before you know it, it will be fall and you’ll want to be able to easily return to your organized ideals. So what’s the Sane Jane solution to an organized summer? As always, think ahead, take initiative, and be prepared for the chaos that is about to commence.
Firstly, look around — where did your kid’s backpack end up after the last day of school? Regardless of its placement, have your child clean it out and put it in its rightful place for the summer (on a designated hook, packed away in the closet, etc.). On the other hand, take the plunge and throw away the backpack if it’s torn, worn, or broken in any way. It’s not too early now to buy a new one if need be. If you shop online, popular styles and colors go quickly, so staying ahead of the crowd and purchasing this essential item before the back-to-school rush may be beneficial.
Secondly, stock up on sunscreen, bug spray, and other small summer necessities. Keep one in your garage or mudroom, one in your beach bag, and one in each vehicle. People are always stuck somewhere wishing they had their bug spray or sunscreen. Plan ahead and this won’t be you!
Lastly, there is the summer specific problem of pool towels. I’m sure we can all relate to the frustration of knowing we have a ton of towels, but being unable to find them when we are rushing out of the house for a day on the water. If your family goes through towels as quickly as mine, you may want to designate a space in the garage so you can grab them and go.
Take a deep breath. Summer is about having fun and enjoying the company of others. Utilize these tips and continue planning ahead and you will find yourself more able to enjoy the season without worrying so much about staying sane. Tune in next month where I will provide some quick and satisfying organizing projects to tackle when you are wanting a break from the heat.