Sane Jane Blog

Practical tips to tame the chaos in your home

Summer time Sanity with Sane Jane – June

It’s finally summer! The time of year when the sun it out (often too much), the kids are out of school (sometimes driving you crazy), and relaxation can ensue (though it’s never enough). Though summer is a time for vacations and recreation, it is also a time when we...

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Fresh Starts

New Years is a time for renewal and cleansing. It is a time for clean, fresh beginnings. But right now it is October – also known as that crazy time of year filled with after school practices, helping with endless amounts of homework, the beginning of cold weather...

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Less Things Equals More Happiness

I recently saw a quote that said “you can’t organize clutter”—what truth those words hold! Before you can make any organizing progress, you must get rid of the excess trash, and nonessential clutter. In the work that I do, it is apparent that people’s attachments to...

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Organizing Your Car –

“Grocery Getter”, “Mom Mobile”, “Sally” -- whatever you call your car, have other’s call it organized! It’s the season of summer vacations, which is basically a synonymous term for road trips and having your car in shambles. Organize your car and keep it that way with...

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Summer Sanity – Stay Organized

It is finally summer time, and we all know what that means. Besides the excruciating heat and having the kids out of school, it means it is time for those long awaited summer vacations! And what do summer vacations typically mean, besides visiting in-laws, spending...

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